Friday, October 13, 2017


Are you afraid of Friday the 13th?

In case you are, psychologists say that you have an anxiety disorder defined by a persistent fear, scientifically known as "friggatriskaidekaphobia." What a long and tongue-twisting-word, isn't it?

Again, in case you are, don't worry. You are not alone, me included... but that was then.. lol.

People with Friggatriskaidekaphobia suffer feelings of panic, anxiety, fear and dread every time Friday the 13th rolls around. On the actual day, many people with Friggatriskaidekaphobia won’t do anything, not even leave their house. This results in an estimated P40 to P45 billion that is lost in business each Friday the 13th due to cancelled appointments and absenteeism.

Likewise, according to a Phobia Institute in North Carolina, an estimated 17 to 21 million people in the United States are affected by a fear of this day, making it the most feared day and date in history.

Considering that such number affected mentions only of America, imagine how far greater the number would be when we talk about those affected worldwide.

But the big question now is, "Why do people fear Friday the 13th and where did it all began?"

Despite logical attempts to dismiss it, a fear of Friday the 13th pervades society. No one knows what's up with people's odd fear of this day and date, so ingrained in our culture that movies were created in its honor. Some folklorists think the dread goes way back centuries ago, and may well trace its roots all the way during biblical times, when the 13th guest at the Last Supper betrayed Jesus and caused his Crucifixion, which was held on a Friday.

Research has shown that people's superstitious beliefs play vital role, and this goes well for a variety of reasons, both cultural and psychological. Most of the time, people are superstitious about things they want to go well but can't guarantee. When it's a combination of something you care about and want badly but can't guarantee, superstitions tend to fill in.

Another reason for superstition is purely sociological. Simply put, people are influenced by the beliefs of others, such as family members or friends, a sociologist said. "Knowing that other people believe it makes it way more likely" that you will believe it, too, the expert added.

Generally, majority of people dismiss Friday the 13th mystical significance, but no matter how rational your outlook maybe, anyone can be a little wary. Today it's dismissed as an old superstition but — if given a choice — how many of us would eschew getting married or flying on a Friday the 13th? Indeed, a superstition.

But in spite of all these, did you know that in other countries — such as Italy, Egypt and China — 13 is a lucky number?

Now, there you are... Bingo!! Can you perceive it? We can now get into the roots of the matter to find the exact solution to this malady.

Aside from seeking help from a professional psychologist or psychiatrist who may prescribe medication, therapy, and relaxation techniques that can reduce anxiety, fear, and phobia... any person who happens to be a victim of this disorder must deeply consider what the greatest Jewish Rabbi who ever lived has declared more than 2 thousand years ago:

"Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven has arrived!" - Yeshua (Matt. 4:17)

This may sound too religious, but there's a treasure of hope, healing, and freedom behind this simple statement that one could ever grasp into.

Unlike what we've been usually taught in our religious environment, the word "Repent" does not necessarily mean "to go infront of a church meeting and weep over your past."

Repent - in its original Hebrew translation - actually means:
  • to change your thinking.
  • to change the way you think.
  • to change the way you've been conditioned to think.
  • to change the way you've been taught to think.
  • to change the way you've been trained to think.
  • to change your mindset.
  • to change your mentality.
Notice here that all boils down into one thing. Everything speaks and deals within our thinking, and that's what matter most.

The wisest man ever lived said, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." - Solomon (Prov. 23:7)

Remember what the expert sociologist observed in the above paragraph, when he said, "People are influenced by the BELIEFS of others, such as family members or friends. Knowing that other people BELIEVE it makes it way more likely that you will BELIEVE it, too."

You will observe that I highlighted the word Beliefs or Believe, because the word is tantamount to "Faith" which, according to the scripture, comes by hearing, and hearing, and hearing, and hearing - original Hebrew translation - the Word of God. - Rom. 10:17

When a person hears a word repeatedly - especially the negative ones - that repeated idea or words will sink in to his/her subconscious mind which then, form part of his belief system. And that belief system shall generate a person's realities. Hence, superstitious belief is being established in his heart.

There is a tendency for us to easily believe an idea, word, or statement that comes from a person whom we esteemed highly. Those people who have influence over us in terms of financial and educational status tend to easily sway us into believing their thoughts. We seem to find security and established truth from people instead of the universal principles laid down by the scripture. And that's where the problem emerges.

The Book of Psalms is so astute in saying, "It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to put confidence in men. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to put confidence in princes." - Psalm 118:8-9

Such truth was even reinforced in Romans where Paul says, "Let God be true and every man a liar." - Rom. 3:4

Now, let me go straight from here and ask you a question. Did the 9/11 tragic incident in America - which made the Twin Tower totally collapsed in rubble and killed thousands of innocent lives - occur on the Friday the 13th?

Did the 'Yolanda tragedy' brought about by typhoon Haiyan - which killed thousands of people in Tacloban, Philippines - occur on the Friday the 13th?

What I am trying to point out is this. The Ups and Downs of life do arise and occur in anyone's life without selecting a particular especial day and date. The Ups and Downs do occur whether it's Friday the 13th or not. Good times and bad times can happen on Monday, Tuesday, et cetera.

The bottom line here is our mindset. If we consider a day as bad luck, it will. And if we consider it to bring good luck, just the same, it will.

That's why it's prudent to heed the Book of Proverbs saying, "Guard your heart (subconscious mind) above all else, for it determines the course of your life." - Prov. 4:23

Yeshua is, indeed, right when He said, "Change your mindset...!"

... because if you really have a changed mentality, all things that may happen to you - good or bad - will all work together for your own good at the end of the day. - Rom. 8:28

And further because, in God's Kingdom, every setback is simply a set-up for a greater comeback.

Therefore, no amount of "Friggatriskaidekaphobia" could ever, ever ruin our day. We are created to rise above and have authority over such circumstance.

It has no power to demolish us. In fact, we have that power against it.

The Book of Corinthians admonishes us well when it said, "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." - 2 Cor. 10: 3-5

Finally, remember that "The forces that are for you are greater than the forces that are against you."

Have a Happy Friday the 13th to All...

"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it." - Psalm 118:24

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