Asking is a very important element of learning. One inscription says, "He who is afraid of asking is ashamed of learning." A portion of scripture even declares, "You receive not because you ask not." - Jas. 4:2
No wonder, children are inquisitive. They are fond of asking questions and they do it unceasingly, as they learn.
Relatedly, the Book of Matthew warns us by saying, "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven." - Matt. 18:3
It was even reinforced in Hosea which says, "Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my representative (priest)." - Hos. 4:6b
Do you want to enter the Kingdom of Heaven and not be rejected? Then, keep on asking wise questions and learn from them...
In like manner, there are five (5) major questions in life that every human being living on planet earth must have to settle in order to receive total peace and freedom, as regards to his reason for existence. These questions are so significant that no matter how persistent you are in ignoring them, a portion or most of these questions will still come to haunt you at some point in your life. Such questions will even disturb a mere pedicab driver roaming in a thoroughfare, or a king seating on a throne.
What do these questions have that when leave unanswered would lead a person to trade his wholesome and abundant life in exchange for a piece of fruit, thereby causing his total expulsion from the Garden of bliss (Eden), all because of disobedience.
Again, what do these questions have that moved a small and petite woman to leave her teaching career and rescue the poorest of the poor by encouraging millions of others to support her missionaries and congregation which manages homes for people dying of HIV, leprosy, tuberculosis, etc? What made this canonized saint, Mother Teresa earned a Nobel Peace Prize and persuaded thousands of others to follow her footsteps?
I even surmise that these may be the motivating questions as to why a mother or a father would sacrifice working far to a distant place, leave his family, and deprive himself of the comfort of having them beside him and enjoy their company - to ensure that their needs will be amply provided.
And finally, these maybe the compelling questions as to why a person would embrace a certain belief and desperately clings to it until such time that others would brand and label him as a fanatic or heretic - but still holds on to it.
No matter how sure you are about the correctness of your philosophy in life, these questions will continue to visit you as these are inherently chiseled in the fiber of your soul. Hence, any attempt to ignore them will ultimately end in futility... Better yet, take heed of them.
What do you think are these five crucial questions that move a person to decide and do what he or she thinks must ought to do, to bring him the fulfillment - and ultimately, the freedom - he so desire?
Allow me first to make mention of the person through whom I learn this stuff, as I also want to give due credit to him. According to Dr. Myles Munroe (1954 - 2014), a teacher and a preacher from Bahamas, every human being living on earth is motivated by these 5 questions.
Let me, then, bring you straight to these five (5) crucial questions:
1. Who am I? – This question deals with identity, and perhaps one of the most important question you’ll ever have to answer. The average human being has never answered the question, who am I? This is not all about what you do or what you did.
What is your identity? Statistics have it that about 99% of the world population have identity crisis. We don’t seem to know who we really are. We imitate people in the hope of finding our seemingly lost self-image and value. Indeed, most people don’t know who they really are, so they die as someone else.
Do you know who you are? Do you know your identity with God - that you're created in His likeness and image? That you're chosen long before the foundation of the world? That you're a royalty, ambassador, and offspring of the King? That you're a child of the living God?
2. Where am I from? – This is not a question on ethnicity. It is not about whether you came from Africa, China, Kenya, Indonesia, Brazil, or from the Philippines. No, it is where you are from as regards to your creation - your Source and your heritage. Because, if you can find out where you came from, you can also find out your true gifts, talents, strength, and your abilities.
Did you know that your real citizenship is in Heaven, and not from the country in which you're born (Phil. 3:19-20)? Your citizenship is constant, and remains the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow... You came down from heaven.
3. Why am I here? – This is a question of purpose. Why do you exist? What did you come to earth to do. Did you just come to go to a job, pay bills and then die - as many people think? It has to be more than that. You were not born just to make a living. You are here to live out an assignment on this planet. You were born to make a difference in the world.
Your job is what your employer pays you to do, while your work - your assignment - is what God designed you to do. The real purpose of your existence.
God made on purpose for a purpose. He has an assignment for you that no one else can do as well as you. Out of billions of applicants, you are the most qualified for you have the right combination of what it takes.
Most of the time, your assignment is always the problem God has designed you to solve for others.
4. What can I do? – What is my true potential? They say the average human being only uses 10% of their brain power. But no one knows your true potential, except the Manufacturer. So never let anyone judge you based on the measurements, assessment, opinion, or estimation they put on you.
You have things on the inside of you - gifts and talents - that you've not yet dreamed of using. You can go further and accomplish more. Don't settle for the status quo. You can overcome any challenge that's before you. You can break any addiction. You have the power of the Most High God on the inside of you.
The statement made by one of my mentor is correct when he said, "Some of the genes that God pre-programmed in you are about to be activated. You will accomplish things that you never thought possible. You will see new talents, new levels of ability, new levels of wisdom and insight, and new levels of success. Get that down on the inside, friend." He even reinforced his declaration by saying, "These genes of favor, wisdom, strength, and ability will be activated in you."
The truth is: You have the DNA of the Almighty God. He breathe His life into you. You will not drag around feeling discouraged, intimidated, and inferior. You've been equipped with everything you need. You can do all things through Christ.
The statement made by one of my mentor is correct when he said, "Some of the genes that God pre-programmed in you are about to be activated. You will accomplish things that you never thought possible. You will see new talents, new levels of ability, new levels of wisdom and insight, and new levels of success. Get that down on the inside, friend." He even reinforced his declaration by saying, "These genes of favor, wisdom, strength, and ability will be activated in you."
The truth is: You have the DNA of the Almighty God. He breathe His life into you. You will not drag around feeling discouraged, intimidated, and inferior. You've been equipped with everything you need. You can do all things through Christ.
5. Where am I going?– This is a question of destiny. No one was just born to die. We were born to fulfill a Vision. What you are looking for is right where you are all the time. You don’t have to go to US or UK to be great, because you can be great where you are planted. "The greatest among you shall be your servant," Yeshua said. Your greatness is hidden in the service that you render to the world as you pursue your vision and dreams.
In addition, remember this:
We cannot become what we destined to be by remaining what we are. All accomplishment comes from daring to begin.
We must be daring enough to venture out wisely and not be afraid to fail, because failure is just an event - never a person.
We need to heed the words of Solomon when he said, "The righteous are as bold as a lion." - Prov. 28: 1
Even the renowned Helen Keller is right when she claimed, "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."
And since we admit that we are one with God, there must be an element of genuine faith and the virtue of being strong to radiate from within us. The Prophet Daniel reminded his people by declaring: "The people that know their God shall be strong and do exploits." - Dan. 11: 32b
Moreover, if you are going to fulfill your destiny, you must do what God hardwired you to do. Make sure you operate in a realm where you are passionate.
A mentor concurs, "There is something for you to start that is ordained and destined for you to finish."
Ultimately, the good news is, you will fulfill your God-given destiny. King David was assured of this when he said to himself, "The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me..." - Psalm 138:8
By the way, what about talking to yourself? Simply to encourage yourself when no one else does and cares. Don't worry, the Government of the Kingdom is behind you to back up you. Ambassadors are assured of that.
And finally: What lies ahead of us, and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
"Behold, the Kingdom of God is within you!" - Luke 17:21
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