Believing the best in people is an idea that cannot be easily accepted by most people, especially nowadays where crimes are escalating in quantity. The sum of people getting suspicious with one another is inevitably increasing in number.
And as we take into account what the scripture says concerning our time, which states, "Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold" (Matt. 24:12), we can all the more conclude that, indeed, the world is far from getting better.
What, then, shall be our response? Are we going to sulk in desperation and conform ourselves with the system? Wouldn't it be possible for us to still believe the best in people?
As Kingdom citizens, we are upholding a different standard. We are called to stand out, and not to blend in. We actually need to set a new standard, and raise the bar. In fact, believe it or not, we are world changers - in all modesty.
The Book of Romans wisely admonishes us by saying, "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind..." - Rom. 12:2
The greatest Jewish Rabbi who had ever lived even preceded this by declaring, "Change the way you think (repent), for the Kingdom of Heaven has arrived!" - Matt. 4:17
One day, while my daughter, Joanne, was on her way towards her internship training sessions, she was sneezed over - right before her very face - by a man in an elevator, who didn't even bother to ask for an apology. "I will surely gonna hit his nose, and kick his ass to the ground should I be there," I angrily told my daughter as she related the incident. "He did not even express a feeling of regret?... Grrr!"
A little bit later, as I ponder the incident, a seemingly gentle nudge came unto me. "What if the guy was experiencing an uptight and distressing situation in his office, or was getting too stressed-out from his overbearing boss?" a tender voice seem to remind me. "What if he was undergoing an adverse condition over his family?"
I learned before from a mentor that people tend more likely to becoming insensitive toward others, most especially when confronted with a very difficult situations in life, such as family difficulties, ordeals, and other work related problems. The weight of the burden on their shoulders seem to numb their emotional reflexes that they're getting unaware and insensitive of the irritation they create with others, which they may have done undeliberately.
On our part, however, if we are not sensitive enough, we might unnecessarily get into trouble with these people - who are actually in their vulnerable position and in their lowest point - should we come across into their path. This should not be the case, because in the end, we might be deepening the wounds and heartaches these people are experiencing.
Just a few days ago, Mac-mac's (my nephew) classmate committed suicide over a family problem. When I heard the news, I was flabbergasted. "Ahh... what is this?"
When people are in their lowest point and getting insensitive, that should become an opportunity for us to take the opposite course and be sensitive enough to extend understanding and lend an open hand to help in whatever capacity we have. This is even the most appropriate time for these people to receive encouragement from us.
Instead of condemning and becoming critical towards them, why not choose the high road by expressing your belief in them that they, too, will soon overcome their part of the challenge, just as you had overcome yours.
Befriending these people, and showing them the light that you have, shall ultimately open the way for their deliverance and freedom.
Have you come across with the same unsuspected ones, lately? S/he might just be wandering around your neighborhood, or surprisingly, hidden right before your very homes.
Be sensitive enough...
Meanwhile, I'll let Joanne know that there's a far better option than kicking somebody's ass.
"Let your light shine before men that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father in Heaven." - Matt. 5: 16