Sunday, November 26, 2017


"I just couldn't figure it out how he came into this point of taking his own life. I knew him as a strong kind of a person; a flamboyant type of a person everybody wants to be around with," confided by a friend as she was asked about a tragic incident. "He was an outgoing type less likely to commit suicide."

We were in our customary first-hour morning formation and troop mustering one pleasant day, when suddenly, we heard a sound of a gun shot somewhere along the Officer's barracks. When the responding comrades returned, we saw them rushing and carrying the body of an Officer towards a vehicle in an attempt to save his life. A military Officer committed suicide.

What would be the answer when losing hope seem to be the only hope?

What makes a person to opt taking one's life as an ultimate and final answer to his predicament?

Experts disclosed that suicide is primarily a male problem. In the U.S. alone, approximately 30,000 people commit suicide each year and 80% were men. Overall, males kill themselves at rate that are 4 times higher than females. The rate even increases as the age groups elevate.

Dr. Thomas Joiner, Ph. D., a distinguished professor and leading expert in Psychology, reveals three key motivational aspects which contribute to suicide. These are: 1) a sense of not belonging, of being alone, 2) a sense of not contributing, of being a burden, and 3) a capability for suicide, not being afraid to die. Accordingly, all three (3) of these motivations or preconditions must be in place before someone will attempt suicide.

It would be prudent that we take note of the aforementioned, lest we miss on these warning signs.

Okay, let's elaborate further these 3 preconditions or warning signs and its accompanying behavior in order to prevent, detect, or mitigate the problem:

1. Thwarted Belongingness

    These days, I feel disconnected from other people.

    These days, I rarely interact with people who care about me.

    These days, I don’t feel I belong.

    These days, I often feel like an outsider in social gatherings.

2. Perceived Burdensomeness

    These days the people in my life would be better off if I were gone.

    These days the people in my life would be happier without me.

    These days I think I have failed the people in my life.

    These days I feel like a burden on the people in my life.

3. Capacity for Suicide

    Things that scare most people do not scare me.

    The sight of my own blood does not bother me.

    I can tolerate a lot more pain than most people.

    I am not at all afraid to die.

Dr. Jed Diamond, Ph. D., who works closely with Dr. Joiner, imparted:

Some people believe that if a person is going to kill themselves, there’s nothing one can do. If you try to stop them, they’ll just bide their time and do it later. However, we now know that suicidal intention is transient. If we can get support to get through those times when we feel disconnected, a burden to others, and having the means and mind-set to actually kill ourselves, we can begin to develop the social supports to turn things around.

Undergoing series of prescribed depression treatment with the help of a professional therapist, will also be of help.

Let me just add: Since Hopelessness is the one common denominator that we could obviously see as a potential stimulus why one commits suicide, what a great relief would it bring to anyone concerned, if we equip and also arm ourselves with the enlightening letter and spirit of the Word of God. Why? Because I believe, that no amount of darkness can withstand the hope and light brought about by the Governor - the Holy Spirit - as He invades and influence any kind of situation and territory, even how bleak it may seem to appear, with the culture of the Kingdom of Heaven.

I remember in the Book of Zechariah where it says, "Return to your fortress, you prisoners of hope. Even now, I announce, that I will restore twice as much to you." - Zech. 9:12

The only account in the scripture where slavery was allowed, is found in the above verse. In here, God permits us to be a slave of hope, where we should always be in a persistent mode of expecting; that great things ahead are in store for us.

Moreso, I believe that anyone among us is vulnerable. We can not brag to say that we can never be one among the potential victims; that we are strong for such a thing. But, we can never really know what tomorrow might bring. Especially now that other experts and quarters in the field, already inclined to believe that depression is now a malady that may hit a non-suspecting individual, just like catching a flu virus - a condition that now moves out of the norms of heredity or mere emotional pattern.

At any rate, in the Scripture, there were these hopeless dry bones mentioned about by Prophet Ezekiel (Ezek. 37: 1-14). Although the context of the account symbolizes a lot of marvelous accounts and things of the Lord, past and future, dry bones actually represents, among the few, hopelessness... yet - the good news is - we can prophesy to the bones, and life and hope shall come forth.

Prophesy now... "Fear not little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom." - Luke 12:32

Indeed, we can prophesy: Losing hope will never be the source of hope!

Finally, what lies ahead of us and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within is.

"Behold, the Kingdom of God is within you!" - Luke 17:21

Sunday, November 19, 2017


Just as what I've mentioned before in our previous article, the 21st century is marked by a bandwagon of combined excitement and fear. Excitement in the sense that its technological breakthroughs, which work favorably with humanity, are quite stunning in both quality and quantity; and fear, in the sense that we're reminded in scripture - and as we observed it also - that "because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold" (Matt. 24:12).

All over the world, people are exposed to various news items where the daily broadcasts bombard us with unimaginable crimes committed in diverse proportion, notwithstanding the horror brought about by terrorism.

Inspite of existing laws and entities created, invented, and established by men to suppress, impede, or simply mitigate the proliferation of these inhumane behavior, such measures seem to be impotent to crush the surge.

While it's true that technological breakthrough escalates dramatically, the 21st century carries with it a downtrend plunge in terms of human behavior which inclined more predominantly on a negative side. Apparently, the trend goes like this:

The more a man improves himself - technologically speaking - the lesser becomes his capacity to thrive morally.

What do you think brought us into this kind of dilemma in this 21st century?

Are you ready? Did you know what brought us into this mess?

Ideas... misplaced ideas.

Ever since the creation of man way back more than seven thousand years ago in the person of Adam, there was only one single idea that God, the Creator, intended for him / for man to pursue... and that is "Dominion."

... to have authority over, to rule, to govern, to control, to master, to manage, to lead - Dominion.

In the Book of Genesis, it says, "And let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion... over all the earth..." - Gen. 1:26

Now, in the garden of Eden, there was this unemployed sheriff called the serpent who introduced another idea which did override the original idea that was given to Adam and Eve by God.

Instead of Adam exercising his authority to rule over such a strange idea, what happened was that "they allowed the strange idea to rule over their hearts and minds, which ultimately controlled, messed up, and destroyed their very lives."

Consequently, they were expelled from the garden of Eden and never recovered ever since.

From the time Adam was taken out of the garden up until his offspring spread all over the earth, the original idea for man to dominate and rule over, had never been redeemed. Hence, men - from generation to generation - experienced multitudes of unimaginable sufferings brought about by his incapacity to manage, lead, and rule over his circumstances. They didn't have the ability discern and identify the way that would lead them back to their place of authority. They were lost like sheeps without a Shepherd taken as preys in the middle of ravening wolves.

But God, in His faithfulness - being fully aware of men's hopeless condition - took the priceless initiative of sending forth His son. God, in His love, mercy, and wisdom, did not send an angel or any other created being to rescue man and restore him back what he lost; He brought us His Son. In the Book of John, it narrates, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16

Can I pour out my sentiment to you, my dear Brethren?

God did not send and sacrifice His precious Son for nothing. Unlike what we've been told and conditioned before by our religious environment, you are not a good-for-nothing, wretched, worthless, filthy rags kind of creation. You are so significant and precious to Him that He went to the extent of sacrificing His life and endured unimaginable suffering, just for you and me to be redeemed.

If there had been a time for man to feel worthless about himself was when he deliberately chose to abandon the original idea God designed for him to pursue and, instead, embraced a strange idea from an unemployed sheriff, the devil.

God's program of redeeming and restoring back what men lost was promised way back hundred of centuries before the rouse to power of the roman empire, the time when Yeshua was crucified. The Book of Isaiah highlighted, "For unto us a child is born. To us, a son is given. And the government will be on his shoulders... and of the increase of his government and peace, there shall be no end..." - Isa. 9:6-7

Notice that I highlighted the word government in the above verse. Unlike what the religious had commonly used to do, we are going to focus intently on this government issue. You may not go in agreement with me upon saying this solemn statement: God would not send His Son on earth for a mere purpose of showmanship. God sent His Son because, upon His shoulder, there was this very important thing called 'government' that was with Him. This government is what the entire human race needs so badly, and that was the entire purpose of God sending forth His Son - to restore back this Government which we lost.

This government is the same 'original idea' of rulership, governing authority, control, mastery, leadership, dominion - the Kingdom.

The word Kingdom is derived from the Hebrew word radah, which means dominion.

This was also sourced from the Aramaic word mamlakah,which also means dominion.

This word Kingdom was also taken from the Greek word basileia that bears the same word as dominion.

Yeshua was restoring back what we lost in the garden of Eden. God was restoring back the Kingdom.

No wonder, Yeshua's first public statement runs like this: "Repent (change the way you think), for the Kingdom of Heaven has arrived!" - Matt. 4:17

He even instructed his students by saying, "As you go, preach this message: The Kingdom of Heaven has arrived!" - Matt. 10:7

This was the reason why Yeshua's priority for us to pursue is to "seek you first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." - Matt. 6:33

That's why when His students asked Him how to pray, Yeshua answered them, saying, "When you pray, pray like this, 'Our Father, who art in Heaven. Holy is Your Name. Let Your Kingdom come, let Your will be done on earth, just like it is in Heaven.'" - Matt. 6:9-10

... and this is why Yeshua made it sure that His students really captured His very message. Before He ascended into Heaven, for forty days - right after His resurrection - He keeps on teaching them about this gospel of the Kingdom. The account in scripture says, "After His suffering, He presented Himself to them and gave many convincing proofs that He was alive. He appeared to them over a period of 40 days, and spoke about the Kingdom of God." - 

Anyone of us know that a person who is about to depart will no longer talk about trivial matters - my business, my investment, my money, my stock. A person who is about to leave will make it sure that the remaining few words that he's going to utter will contain the most important and crucial statement of complete significance.

For 40 days prior to His ascension, Yeshua spoke of only one message: The Kingdom of God. He wanted to make it sure that we really absorbed and captured the only one Gospel.

Just wondering, why we keep on diverting ourselves and continue entertaining strange ideas that pulls us away from the real message. Is that really so sweet to hear the message of an unemployed sheriff?

In view of the foregoing, can I confide something to you? This world that we live in, the 21st century, is replete with multitude of ideas capable of transforming humanity for better or for worse. These ideas are so subtle they could easily sneak in to the very crevices of every family, society, the media, religion, and the educational systems. Any ideas, therefore - no matter how attractive it may look on the outside - that would drive you away from the idea you were originally designed, may be considered as another serpent lurking around to victimize, and worst, destroy its targets.

It would be prudent if we seriously take this into account: "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour." - 1 Pet. 5:8

Likewise, it would be wise if we always be reminded that "the Kingdom of God is a lifestyle if righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit." - Rom. 14:17

Hence, any ideas that would steal away your joy and peace must never be given an audience, and any suggestion that would disrupt your right standing with God through the lordship of Yeshua must never be entertained. The Governor of the Kingdom, the Holy Spirit, has given us this comforting and liberating assurance: "But when He, the spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth..." - John 16:13

When we are guided into all truth, there would be no room for confusion to sink into our very lives.

In like manner, "the revelation knowledge of the truth is the key to freedom," and this liberating opportunity encompasses even on areas concerning the modern-day corporate slavery in your job, and the ecclesiastical slavery embraced by some of our modern-day churches (themes that we're going to discuss on later dates).

And last, but not the least - and this very important - all your labor in the Lord in the 21st century - whether that be in the marketplace, in the ministry, or in the mission field - will all work in your favor and not be put in vain, for as long as you're doing them under the right environment. If you find yourself dwelling under the wrong atmosphere, be prudent enough to make a decisive action to transport yourself to the right one, so that all your effort will not end up in sheer futility. The Book of Colossians wisely admonishes us, saying, "For he has rescued us out of the darkness and gloom of Satan’s kingdom and brought us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, who bought our freedom with his blood and forgave us all our sins." - Col. 1:13-14 TLB

... and so I'm appealing to you, my dear friend, to position yourself under the Kingdom of Yeshua.

Finally, what lies ahead of us and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

"Behold, the Kingdom of God is within you!" - Luke 17:21

Sunday, November 12, 2017


If there would be a time in history where the excitement of living is almost at its peakest level, it would be... Today.

The advent of modern technology and the internet have made people's living condition more convenient, fast, and more efficient. There had been no time in history before, where this kind of environment was existent.

But did you realize that this is also the season in history where a lot of people's precious time - one of the most valuable commodities in one's life - have been wasted and squandered profusely?

In Southeast Asia alone, I saw and heard reports where students managed to skip school classes to go spending their time in the internet cafes. Parents are greatly dismayed upon the knowledge received from teachers, that their son or daughter had skipped classes.

What would be the implication of these changes, then, to the next generation?

We all know that time spent shall by no means be recovered again. In the scripture, the Book of Ephesians reminds us in saying: "Make the most of every opportunity... redeem the time, because the days are evil." - Eph. 5:16

What!?? The days are what?? ... Evil???

Yes... these days - the one we have today, the 21st Century - are evil!

"Wait, wait, wait, Ed... I thought you said earlier that we're now living in the most exciting moment in history. What made the sudden change? You are getting ironic," someone may comment.

Well, I believe, that these massive changes, growth, improvement, and development that we have in the 21st century will all be for us or shall be against us, depending upon our proper and wise utilization of our allotted and limited time here on earth.

The Book of Psalms wisely said, "Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." - Ps. 90:12

Again, I believe, that the above cited verse is fitly knitted for us today.

Let me say this: "The primary reason why the Creator has equally and fairly given each of the 7.4 Billion of us a 24/7, 7dys/wk, 168hrs/wk - meaning, TIME - is for the sole purpose of utilizing this very precious commodity, in the fulfillment of our individual reason for existence.

Time is a very important processor of our purpose. When time is wasted, purpose is stunted, and worse, purpose is incapacitated. While it's true that purpose can never be destroyed, the terrifying scenario would be, when such purpose is never achieved nor fulfilled - because of ignorance, indifference, or willfully destroying such purpose by deliberately wasting time and preoccupying ourselves with a lot of good, but not the right things for us - then, tragedy is evident.

Time and time again, I will reiterate that, God gave us time for the sole reason of achieving and fulfilling our purpose.

The well-respected and renowned preacher from Bahamas wisely acclaimed, "The greatest tragedy in life is not death, but a life without a purpose." - Dr. Myles Munroe (1954-2014).

In view of the foregoing, how, then, are we going to run or occupy - as instructed by Yeshua in Luke 19:13 - appropriately and accordingly in this 21st century generation?

Well, please allow me to share with you an insight or an idea - anyway, everything begins, created, and emanated via an idea.

Let me humbly say this - though some of you already heard this before:

Poor people always talk about money. Rich people talk about things. Wealthy people talk about ideas... Small minds discuss about people. Average minds discuss about events, but great minds discuss about ideas...

... and God's big idea is this - Seek you first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things that you need shall be attracted unto you - all these things that you need, shall come running after you.

This is what I'm really trying to point out by highlighting the above statement:

It is deemed necessary for this 21st century, to change and shift our focus from what is trivial to what is really crucial and significant. There is, indeed, a demand or a necessity for us to change our gear and opt for a paradigm shift; a change in our mindset; a change in the way we think; a crucial change in our lifestyle.

Discussing about trivial things concerning money, talking about things - like our cars; our big houses; our beaches; our investments, discussing about people, and discussing about events, should be the least tackled among the lists of our

everyday conversation.

Let me modesty confess this to you, my dear beloved fellow Kingdom citizens:

The 21st century of our season requires that we focus, talk, discuss, learn, grow, improve, propagate, broadcast, cultivate, and execute everything about the ideas on the following - the Kingdom of God and righteousness; God, Himself; the welfare and interest of our brethren; and the welfare and interest of prospected/ would-be Kingdom citizens:

1.  Righteousness & the Kingdom of God

     This is where we are to engage, colonize, invade, occupy, infiltrate, and influence the world system, just like yeasts. "The Kingdom of Heaven is like yeasts..." - Matt. 13:33

Whenever we are at the ball park with our kids or in a movie theater with our family, that would be an opportunity for us to engage, as well. If we allow our creativity to kick-in, with the help of the Spirit of God, we can still actively represent the King even in these places.

Our main agenda here is to abide by this principle: "Let Your Kingdom come, let your will be done on earth, just like it is in Heaven." - Matt. 6:9-10

Likewise, with the help of the Governor, the Holy Spirit, we shall diligently immersed ourselves with the letter and spirit of the Word of God for righteousness. The Book of Timothy states, "All scripture is God-breathed, and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness..." - 2 Tim. 3:16-17

In the same way, the spirit of the Word of God is the source of life: "The words I've spoken to you are spirit, and they are life." - Yeshua (John 6:63b)

2.  God, Himself

     "Now, this is eternal life: that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent," is what Yeshua said in John 17:3.

This is what I believe: The highest form of knowledge in the world is the revelation knowledge of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

The same goes true with the Book of Jeremiah where it says, "This is what the Lord says, 'Let not the wise man boasts of his wisdom, or the strong man boasts of his strength, or the rich man boasts of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows Me...'" - Jer. 9:23-24

3.  The interest of our brethren

     This is where mentoring comes to actively play. We shall not only give them fishes, but teach them how to catch net-breaking fishes.

4.  The interest of would-be Kingdom citizens

     In here, we shall exercise our keenness and discernment to identify those whose hearts are ready and prepared to be planted with the Word, and are already positioned by God to become or would-be Kingdom citizens. Coupled with our good deeds and kind works towards them, we shall win them into the Kingdom of God.

In retrospect, the aforementioned ideas shall be our benchmark to cope up and thrive as we effectively arm ourselves towards our mission of engaging, invading, and influencing the world for the Kingdom of God.

In like manner, we shall be able to maximize the use of our limited time wisely by changing our line of thoughts on ideas that will catapult us towards fulfilling our assigned mission, and further advance His Kingdom.

Hence, we can boldly declare that the 21st century is loaded with great opportunities and favorable possibilities for each and everyone of us.

Have a nice day... To the King!

"The Kingdom of Heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mix into a large amount of flour, until it work all through the dough." - Matt. 13:33

Sunday, November 5, 2017


Some of our friends might be asking, "Why bring the topic about Leadership here? What does leadership got to do with the Kingdom?" Well, it is my intention to make it clear that Leadership is paramount; and is one of the major keys or elements of the Kingdom message!

As what I've been repeatedly saying, the Kingdom is tantamount to "dominion," and such word actually means "to govern, to rule, to control, to have authority over, to master, to manage, and to lead." 

The subject of Leadership is a very popular one nowadays, that our libraries are replete with books and information about the matter. It is even part of the curriculum in our schools and universities that its evolving nature had been progressed into a course of expertise with its masteral and doctoral degrees thriving well. Emerging gurus are popping out from every places that the subject is near to being well commercialized and profited by large number of entrepreneurs.

Why, then, is there a need for leadership? The fact that the subject is getting prominent everywhere only implies that the thirst, longing, craving, desire, and need for leadership is imminent among the people worldwide. Such inclination is quite understandable because if we try to collect and sum up all the conclusions of every experts on the subject, these will all boils down into one thing: "that good leadership is a potential catalyst that sparks change and solves human problems." And that is what we, as human beings, are aiming and hoping for to achieve. 

The big question now is: "Are we reaching our goal?"

Why is it that despite the enormous information made available in our arsenal, human problems in every aspects keep on escalating and most are even getting worse? Are we getting the right stuff on leadership, or are we still experimenting?

One notable expert on leadership admitted the weakness of writing a book on the subject considering that revision makes it necessary to be opted immediately after few months have past. New information keeps on emerging swiftly which is capable of making, what you've published earlier, obsolete and outdated.

That only goes to show that we're still experimenting. Yes, even on the subject of Leadership. Yes, even with the smartness of our so-called modern-day experts, we are still experimenting. The question now is, "Why experiment when we already have the means to find the way - the ones that are fix, established, and unchanging?

Can I make myself an honest but bold declaration with you? The world's definition on leadership is weak, fragile, and perpetually headed towards an experimental mode.

"But, Ed, where, then, can we get and secure the most reliable source or person that would lead us to the right stuff?" someone may ask. "We seem to be just wasting time and resources attending seminars and buying books with its accompanying demands that are too laborious and tedious at the expense of making the few rich... while we are still here, poor and depressed."

Where else can I lead you but to the Original..

The greatest Jewish Rabbi who had ever lived once said, "Come to me all you who labour and are heavily laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, let me teach you... and you will find rest for your soul. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." - Yeshua (Matt. 11: 28-30)

Far from getting too religious, where can I lead you, but to the originator and restorer of leadership. Through the Holy Spirit, the Governor, He shall give you the right, constant, tested, unchanging, and universal principles concerning leadership that no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard, and no mind has ever conceived. This originator even said, "I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven..." - Matt. 16:19

This Rabbi and guy from Jerusalem will never buy in to this idea holds dearly by most leading experts of this time - and which I, myself wrongfully embraced before: 

"If you think you are leading but without no one following, then you are simply taking a walk." - Chinese proverb

Although the above proverb is very much prominent among the leadership experts of this time, such idea is bound to be refuted by the Jewish Rabbi, Yeshua, taking into consideration the principles he left us to follow.

Yes, leadership is, indeed, about influencing others. But just because no one is following you, initially, at the onset of your venture or cause, that does not necessarily mean, you are getting off track on true leadership. Keep in mind that unlike what we've been traditionally taught, leadership is not about collecting followers. It is not centered on how many people are following you. True leadership has its focal point on serving one's gifts while in the pursuit of fulfilling one's mission or purpose.

Let me give you a simple, yet profound definition of leadership which I selected and found standing out from among others. According to Dr. Myles Munroe, "Leadership is the capacity to influence others through inspiration, motivated by a passion, generated by a vision, produced by a conviction, ignited by a purpose."

The above definition of Dr. Munroe about Leadership has the complete ingredients necessary for anyone to know, learn, and execute leadership in one's vocation, family life, business, government, and any area of influence. Unless the elements of purpose, conviction, vision, passion, and inspiration - areas that we are going to discuss on later dates - are present in one's venture, influence is remote. Hence, no true leadership is present.

Allow me now to share with you about the essence of leadership:

The true essence of Leadership is becoming and deploying yourself serving your gifts for an appointed assignment, until your Creator says, "It is finished!"

There are a number of necessary elixirs in the above statement that are essential to constitute and determine the true essence of our subject. Unless these components are present and active, the true essence of leadership is missing and vague:

1.  Becoming

Becoming or to become is derived from the Greek word "ergon," which is the same as the word "work." Work is a component that's significant for genuine leadership. However, it doesn't necessarily mean, to become busy or to have something that will occupy your time, nor does it imply something for you to receive payment or salary in exchange for service given. Work is different from a job.

Your job is what your employer pays you to do, while your work is what God designed you to do - the real purpose of your existence.

In like manner, work is not a matter of doing; work is a matter of becoming. Do not work in order to acquire; work in order to become. Do not work in order to accumulate; work in order to expand... because expansion, and not accumulation, is the real purpose of work.

Robert Stevenson, a British essayist, is right when he narrated, "To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming is the only end in life."

2.  Deployment

Deployment, and not employment should be our ultimate goal in life. Employment looks after a paycheck and pay bills in a perpetual cycle, while deployment looks after making a difference. 

They can fire you being employed, but they can never fire you being deployed. You deploy yourself, utilizing your inherent gifts, in the pursuit of your mission; and not in pursuit of riches and wealth. Wealth just simply comes along as you seek first your assignment.

The Book of Matthew says, "God will give you all you need from day to day, if you live for Him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern." - Yeshua (Matt. 6:33)

You were not born just to make a living. You are here to live out an assignment on this planet. You were born to make a difference in the world.

3.  Service/ Serving/ Servant

The scripture has this statement in Matthew which states, "Whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant." - Yeshua (Matt. 20:26)

The word servant or service here has two Greek words, namely: doulos and diakonos. The former refers to voluntary service while the latter refers to servitude.

In the above verse, doulos - voluntary service, was the word used by Yeshua. 

Voluntary service of one's gifts is what will make anyone great in God's sight... and unlike what we've been traditionally taught to in our religious background, greatness is not an evil or bad thing. Seeking for greatness is a good pursuit, as long as it's pursued in the context of doulos.

Yeshua despises servitude, while upholding voluntary service.

4.  Appointed Assignment

Just because you belong to a well-to-do family and have lots of money doesn't necessarily mean you already are on the right track towards your appointed assignment. You might be in the wrong place at the right time. One renowned minister wisely observed, "The greatest failure in life is being successful in the wrong assignment."

I remember one mentor who said, "Your assignment is always the problem God has designed you to solve for others."

Keep in mind that there is something for you to start that is ordained and destined for you to finish.

King David of the Book of Psalms once encouraged himself when he said, "The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me..." - Ps. 138: 8

5.  Knowing Your Creator

You should never ever attempt venturing into the avenue of life disregarding or ignoring God. I tell you, you will never ever like it being ignored and despised by God, as well.

God, Himself spoke to this effect when He warned, "Those who honor me, I will honor. But those who ignore Me will be rejected." - 1 Sam. 2: 30b

The highly esteemed Blaise Pascal once said, "Man is created in the image and likeness of God. That's why there is a God-shaped vacuum in his heart that only Jesus Christ could fill."

Sir Pascal is right because it was Yeshua, Himself who said, "Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me." - Rev. 3:20

God is persistently, but gently knocking at the door of your heart; let Him come in, and dine with you.

Take note of this: You can only lead genuinely effective when the inherent gap, void, and vacuum in your heart is properly filled-in... and I think by this time, you already knew who is authorized to fill and occupy it.

6.  It is finished/ Completion

I will never forget this particular verse in scripture when Yeshua said to His Father, "I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work You gave me to do." - John 17:4

In here, completion of one's appointed assignment is utterly important. That's the only venture which will bring genuine glory to God.

Retirement is not an option, for God does not retire His people. Instead, He re-fire His people. He puts His fire back in them, giving them fresh new motivation.

Moreover, let me say this: I come to figure out that Sir Irving Berlin, a Jewish-American composer and lyricist, is correct when he disclosed, "Life is 10 percent how you make it, and 90 percent how you take it."

The taking portion is more important, and this particular article that I am sharing with you, will serve the purpose. You may ask, "But what about the other 10 percent - the making portion?" Well, take them from your leadership books and mentors.

Likewise, remember this: You can only become successful in your Leadership mandate when you are richly and rightly endowed with the aforementioned elixirs and components, which are tested principles, that will never get obsolete nor outdated.

Finally... what lies ahead of us, and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

"Behold, the Kingdom of God is within you!" - Luke 17:21