Wednesday, September 27, 2017


When I was still at the age between 7 to 13, how I wish I could just be like Batman, Ironman, Superman or any of the comic and cartoon heroes. At age 21, I dreamed of becoming like the Ayalas, Marcos, Warren Buffet, Donald Trump or any of the iconic names and figures in the political and business world. I thought there’s a feeling of security within me should I be one among these prestigious individuals.

What is it that makes us dream of becoming somebody endowed with power, strength, extraordinary qualities, feats and achievement? Is it our way of escaping from reality that we temporarily fill the void within us by way of daydreaming? Whatever the reasons maybe, one thing is sure. We cannot become somebody we are not. Yes, we can imitate some of them (political and business figures) by observing the principles they applied towards accomplishment, but definitely, we cannot be like them.

Each individual person is created unique and especial so we cannot just mimic somebody else, and at the same time, be guaranteed to receive real happiness. You are you, so what makes you think that masquerading would make a difference? The truth is...

... and as I heard one of my mentors says, "It’s so wonderful to just to be yourself and be original, so represent yourself. If don't like you, well, that's their problem."

Here are three (3) reasons why being true to oneself is imperative in life:

#  1 It draws respect within us that further brings happiness.

Hypocrisy is deceptive. We may make others admire us or let them be impressed by our pretentious act but, ultimately, at the deep recesses of your being, you know what is true. And unless our relationship is genuine, bliss is remote.

#2  It makes us recognize and know our very selves and further allows us to identify the value of others.

Knowing our weaknesses humble us in recognizing the value of others. Since everybody has each own strengths and weaknesses, the opportunity to complement each other shall surface, allowing us to realize our need for one another. We shall bind to help and support each other in our weak areas and we will be using our strengths for the benefit of those who are weak in certain areas.

#3  It causes us to thrive and grow by directing our focus on what’s really important.

Having the knowledge of who we really are, we can now identify where to invest more of our limited time. To spend our precious time on the trivial things of life is unwise while directing it on our priorities and strengths is prudent. To heed the words of Dr. Myles Munroe is crucial. He said, “You weren’t born to do everything.”

Though we cannot do everything, we can do something. Life is too short for us to attempt doing everything. We cannot be happy on that venture. A statement from the book of Psalms is wise to heed.

“Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” – Psalm 90:12

Focusing our time and energy on our strengths make us excel and grow towards our real gifting, talents, and abilities which further catapult us to fulfill our respective purposes and callings. 

I remember Lieutenant Colonel Peralta, my former military Commander, who once said, “Nobody has the monopoly of knowledge. Hence, we need each other to accomplish our mission.”

Colonel Peralta is right. I now realized that I will only be happy doing the few things which I enjoy carrying out, because that’s my lot, than performing a lot of things that only stress me out (because they aren’t mine to perform).

Happiness would never elude someone who remains to be himself, honest to himself, and places himself only on the niche of his calling.

I may never be like Ironman, Superman, Zuckerberg or Trump, I know I’m still fulfilled because I exude and radiate my real portion to the world.

Hence, it’s so wonderful to just to be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.

Have a blessed day/evening to all!!

Monday, September 25, 2017


If you try to ask a class of students with this question, "Who wants to be successful?" You will not be surprised when more than 75 percent of them will raise their hands in agreement. More so, had it not for their religious background, the remaining less than 25 percent will also raise their hands in approval, and that will ultimately make the whole class agreed in perfect sync, unison, and total agreement 100 percent. All wanting for success.

If you further ask them why they want to be successful, these are the following obvious answers:
  • When I am successful, I can have lots of money to buy everything I want.
  • I can go to places I like and travel the world.
  • I can be famous and well-known everywhere I go.
  • I have power when I am successful.
As you can see, people always relate success with money, prestige, power, and fame. That's the obvious definition of the world when it comes to success. But what about you? Do you see these things as what really constitute success? Does it automatically mean that you are successful already when you have money, power, and fame?

But what about a rich druglord? What about a rich and famous entertainer committing suicide? What about a wealthy businessman having lots of mistresses? What about a powerful politician got involved in crimes? How about a well-known singer addicted to drugs?

Are they, indeed, successful?

In like manner, though now looking at a different perspective, it is almost impossible not to find a single book related to success in every family bookshelves and libraries all over the world. I'm quite pretty sure that even you, you who is currently reading this article, your bookshelves, if ever you have one, are replete with books that are, in one way or another, relating to success.

In fact, 99 percent of your books, digital or not, are somehow success related, whether they maybe informative or technical in nature. Why that big a percentage? Because, who in the world, in the first place, would ever spend money to buy books that will lead him to fail. Publishers will not even buy to that nor invest to such a project.

In consideration of the above, there seems to be something within us as human beings, that make us yearn for something and succeed.

By the way, let me further ask you a question. Is it an evil thing to yearn? If someone will give me a "yes" as an answer, and another one will give "no" for an answer, I will rate them both correct. Why? Because everything primarily depends on the heart of the person yearning. And such requires for another topic to be discussed in the future.

But for the purpose of this discussion, let us dig deeper as to why men yearn for success.

There are five (5) main reasons why men yearn to succeed:

Man yearns for success, firstly, because his primary mandate and purpose to dominate the earth require him to have the desire to fire up the drive within him in carrying out his assignment.

In the Genesis of the scripture it says, "And let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion... over all the earth..." - Gen. 1:26. In here, we see the desire of the Creator to create a human specie whose primary assignment was to dominate the earth. The Creator must have put in this man, Adam, the desire to yearn for a specific work or cause, for this man was created in God's image and likeness.

If the Creator yearns to create, man must be having this yearning, as well, as he performs his task to dominate.

By the way, to dominate means to have authority over, to govern, to rule, to control, to master, to manage, and to lead.

If Adam, who is our forefather, yearns for a specific task to express himself, we too must have within us this yearning for something specifically assigned to each one of us. It is now safe to say, then, that such desire is inherent to us. We want to be successful in our mission as the Creator, Himself was successful in creating men and of course, the universe.

The second major reason is that, man was inherently endowed with his own glory and honor. In the Book of Psalms it says, "For You have made him a little lower than God, and crowned him with glory and honor." - Psalm 8:5.

Religious fanatics find it hard to accept the truth that we, as human beings, are endowed with glory and honor by the Creator, Himself. As a result, they keep on focusing on His glory which they pretend to know and understand. But how can they understand and know of His glory when they don't even have the necessary understanding of their own.

This glory which was translated in Hebrew as "kabod" means full nature, imprint, full weight. This glory will automatically pulls the man to yearn for something beneficial to express itself. And until that something is identified, pursued, and satisfied, men shall continue to dwell in a state of discontent and dissatisfaction. He might be content with what he has, but never with what he is. The yearning must be satisfied in order to exude his glory and further reveal his full weight.

The third reason is that, it is necessary for men to be successful. Since the beginning of the world's creation, the instruction of the Creator for Adam is clear. He said to him, "... replenish the earth, and subdue it..." - Gen. 1:28. To replenish means to supply what is lacking. Adam had to supply and provide names for each and every animals in the garden. This instruction for men to replenish is still enforced up to this time. It is always been men's work to replenish.

Men in all ages must be successful on their task to replenish the earth, to produce, to work, and to create, in order to fill or supply the lack of something in each generation.

Moreover, it is necessary for men to subdue the earth. To subdue means, to prevent something from existing or developing. There are lot of things that need to be prevented since the creation of men. Again, during the time of Adam, the orderliness that is exhibited in the garden of Eden must be maintained and managed, while disarray and disorderliness must be prevented from developing or existing.

Since that time up until now, the call for men never changed. Men ought to be successful in replenishing and subduing the earth, for such were the primary tasks that they must do.

The second to the last main reason why men yearn for success can still be traced in the same verse of the scripture in Gen. 1:28, which says, "... be fruitful and multiply..." Notice that the Creator did not say, "Be seedful!" What He clearly said is, "Be fruitful..." It is because man was created, up until now, with a lot of seeds in him. He is filled and endowed with a lot of gifts, talents, abilities, and unique potentials.

These treasures in men must be expressed into something beneficial for everyone in every generation. Men from every race and generation must heed the call into his spirit to produce and multiply, and be productive using his inherent potentials. He must be successful in doing so. His yearning for success is reinforced by the accountability that is required of him in its proper time, as what the scripture reminds us. In the Book of Romans, it says, "So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God." - Rom. 14:12.

And lastly, it is inherent into man's spirit to love, and whether that love is divine or selfish in nature, love is really what motivates and gives him the necessary yearning for success. Saint Paul admonishes us when he said, "For the love of money is the root of all evil." - 1Tim 6:10. On the other hand, a Jewish Rabbi encourages us by saying, "If you love me, you will obey what I command." - Jn. 14:15. Both Paul and the Rabbi mention about love in contrasting terms.

Let me go further by saying that desiring or yearning in itself, is normal, inherent, and not evil. What makes it abnormal is when it is pursued with a wrong motivation, and directed with selfish intent.

I remember Yeshua when He said, "Whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant..." - Matt. 20:26-27. See in here that the Rabbi did not prevent His students from desiring. He even told them how to achieve their yearning.

And the Book of Psalms also encourages us when the psalmist said, "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." - Ps. 37:4.

Furthermore, don't budge with the religious leaders and fanatics, because for them, yearning is evil. They caution you to get away from it, but secretly, they crave the course towards it in pursuit of their selfish agenda... tsk tsk tsk.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


If there would be a more exciting time to live on this planet, it would be, TODAY. Compared to the past 18th or 19th century, our present generation yields a more promising achievement that expands far beyond the expectation of any human being living in the 17th century. It had never occurred into their imagination that gathering of information would be as swift as a simple clicking of a mouse. Easy access on every information unquestionably makes life easier, convenient, and more exciting.

Be that it may, did it ever crossed your mind, however, that if there would be a more dangerous time to live on this planet earth, could it ever be safe to say that, there is no other time but, TODAY, as well?

What do you think are the reasons behind all these?

In today's information age, the bulk of information that anyone can access into concerning any subject, is capable enough to make anyone succumb to confusion, not knowing which among the source is, indeed, a reliable one. 

Moreover, the immense source of information is so mind-blogging that anyone could either be a potential victim of a wrong information gathering or a fortunate beneficiary of the right ones. Either way, however, will end up to be wallowing on the crossroad of uncertainty at the end of the day, should they not equip themselves accordingly.

Why? Because despite this breakthrough, more people are finding it hard to determine which among these information is valid enough to satisfy their need to unearth the truth that will ultimately give them the desired authentic and productive result.

In addition, internet platform has been bombarded with various 'gurus' claiming to have discovered secrets and right formula in addressing life issues, problems, and every kind of needs that humanity has. However, many had been the desperate victims of frauds and hoaxes whose main motivation is to amass large sums of money from among their prospected victims who believed their ploys, schemes, and bogus opinions.

What's more alarming is the fact that the scheming agenda were not only been confined and perpetrated within the sphere of some of these 'gurus,' but it sadly crept into the supposedly, more respected echelons of the religious, political, and business circles. All for the sake of money and greed, they created a mammoth number of people across the globe who ended up to be the poor, confused, and disillusioned victims.

All of these transpired simply because they trusted and believed the information, opinions, and deceptive promises they received and acquired from this generation's modern day platforms of the media and the internet.

Of course, as I've said beforehand, we generally believed on the benefits of these developments, but the big question now is, "How are we going to help the people not to become the perpetual victims in today's progress-based generation wherein such progress had been exploited, as well, by the shenanigans?"

I am not in a position to make myself add to the number of these 'gurus' which I've mentioned before, while giving you some of my inputs. My only concern is to share tested principles (not opinions) that would somehow put a stop on these exploitation agenda by the schemers, and further help the people around the globe to shield and protect themselves against the perpetrators.

A one respected and renowned personality once declared, "What lies ahead of us and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."

Now, by allowing me to borrow the above lines, let's move on further.

First and foremost is this:  Everything on earth starts with an idea. People decide based on an idea. Idea emanates from within us. Whether a person decides correctly or not, the end result of his action is a direct result of his idea being put into action. In fact, the mere fact that somebody concluded that you have decided correctly or not, is simply his or her opinion based on his idea that was formed in connection with his experiences, observation, and others' opinion, as well. Such opinion, therefore, does not have to become your reality. It doesn't even, define you.

What do I mean by that? ... and why am I saying this in relation to our topic?

What I am trying to point out is this... Whether we like it or not, we will be bombarded in life with multiple situations which require corresponding decisive course of action. It is during this point in time that the ideas and opinions that we have within ourselves shall play vital roles in coming up with wise decisions that will yield desired success. It is also during this time that loved ones, friends, relatives and peers may interfere or influence our decisions because they, themselves, have their own ideas and opinions concerning certain issues that they may give or share to us.

Now, it is during this period in time that we will be needing, within ourselves, a firm, secure, and established idea or opinion on the matter based on an equally firm, secure, tested, and established principles. It is also during this time that we need a strong resolve to accept or reject the opinions of others.

I remember a mentor when he said, "He who has no opinion of his own, but depends on the opinions of others, is a slave."
It is very crucial that we need to create an OPINION of our own based on the King’s principle, and you’ll never get wrong.

Likewise, it’s too dangerous to rely on other’s opinion especially when the other guy solely depends on his own wit, but puts less regard on the Spirit of the Living God.

Now, I might sound too religious here, but NO. I hate religion and I do not vie on religious dogmas and doctrines. It's just how life really is. We need tested and universal principles in which to base and anchor our opinions and ideas. In fact, there's no other option, believe me or not.

Moreover, another factor that may affect or influence our ideas and opinions are those people whom we regard, esteemed, and whom we pay submission unto. We need to submit to these authorities. Be loyal them, be faithful to them, but not at the expense of uprightness. I witnessed people and leaders destroyed by continually adopting practices emanated from their head leader whom they did not recognize nor discern as pulling himself away from the principles of righteousness and uprightness.

The Book of Psalms wisely reminds us that, "It's better to take refuge in the LORD than to put confidence in men. It's better to take refuge in the LORD than to put confidence in princes."

There are people who esteemed their leaders so highly that they are even willing to subordinate themselves for them and be subservient, and further placing themselves under servitude.

Remember that fanaticism is tantamount to occultism. Furthermore, keep in mind that you're indeed a cherished possession, but definitely not somebody's possession.

Indeed, the 21st century is filled with overwhelming information that can either make us or break us. But since we have now the confidence to armor ourselves with ideas anchored on universal principles, we are assured that any further development in the future would all be for our advantage.

May we still all be there in the mid of the 21st century.

"Anyone who lets himself be distracted from the work I plan for him, is not fit for the Kingdom of God." - Yeshua (Luke 9:62 TLB)

Monday, September 18, 2017


The story is told about a certain lady named Mila. Mila is working in a company for two years. Sensing other opportunity outside, she resigned from her job and grab the one opened up for her. After a year of working from this job, she again left her second job and look for a third one, then for a fourth one, fifth one and so on.

Not finding real satisfaction from her job as an employee, she put up her own business and started out excited as an employer. However, after less than a year of running her business, Mila wants to leave and go to work again as an employee.

Anyone you know like Mila? The story looks familiar, isn’t it? In fact, there are a lot of Milas in the world today, running from one job to another. After encountering a little hardship here, a little friction there with their boss and co-workers, they immediately run. A little irritation would trigger them to escape and take the shortest route. What they thought to be an easy road, however, would actually turn out to be a “rotunda” circle giving them no direction at all.

On the other side of the coin, there are those who stayed on a job they do not like. Even if they don’t love it and are not really enjoying it, they have no other recourse but to stay on it. Their main reason for remaining is because the job provides for their needs, so they would just bear all the unnecessary stresses just for them to earn a living. When opportunities arise for a change, they won’t venture out for the unfamiliar.

Both of the above cases are the condition of a lot of people today. They are really confused, burdened, dissatisfied, unfulfilled and without direction. Just like a roller coaster they just keep on rolling and spinning in the avenue of life, going nowhere.

If you find yourself in the same condition, don’t worry! Don’t lose hope. Rejoice! It may be that the Providence allowed you to find this blog for you to find your niche in life. You see, a lot of people today have lost on their track especially now that emerging gurus are proliferating everywhere giving advices of various kind causing people to sway from what is really intended for them.

You are not alone on this journey. In fact, I myself, have the same experience before. That’s why I’m so eager and now have the courage to share with you what I did to be on track again and find the right direction.

You see each individual person is created unique and especial. Whether you believe it or not, you have a purpose especially intended for you and until you find that purpose, you’ll never find the right direction, the way towards a fulfilling life.

Just like any gadgets you have in your house, the manufacturer has intended a purpose for each of them. You will only find the exact and complete purpose of a gadget through its manufacturer. There is no better way who could guide us accurately except him.

Just so with us as human beings. There is no other way we could ever find our purpose except through our Manufacturer, the Sovereign Lord. I might be sounding religious here but that’s the way it is. No other option could lead us towards an authentic direction.

In the book of Matthew it says, “I am the way, the truth, and the life (I am the way to the truth that gives you life – orig Hebrew). No one comes to the Father except through Me.” – (John 14:6)

I firmly believe without any iota of doubt that the Sovereign Lord, Himself, is the way not only towards heaven but also the way towards our lives’ purpose, direction, and the elusive fulfillment in life. If we can really capture this truth, everything else in our lives will fall into its proper places... Why not ask Him?

Ask Him now…

“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it.’” – The Book (Isa. 30:21)

Sunday, September 17, 2017


I remember talking to an Air Force Officer one day telling him, "Sir, do you know that you can be happy even in the most desolate place?"

He stared at me, and with a combined look of curiosity and confusion, turned his back from me and went back to his cubicle.

Along with other military officers, subject officer was one among those who were accused of committing treason and rebellion against the government. Consequently, they have to be restrained and detained in a military camp and suffer the boredom of confinement while awaiting series of Court Martial proceedings.

Incidentally, a team of comrades and I were assigned to that detention cell to render security for both of these detainees and in favor of the government, as well.

To my utter surprise, the Officer went back to my place, gave me a hardbound book as a token, and a very cordial and meaningful conversation began.

You may or may not be in a desolate place or situation right now. I don't know but, can I make a friendly suggestion? Would you please allow the next 24 hours of your life stunningly different from your previous hours, days, and years regardless of whatever situation you are in?

Because if you again let this day past without savoring its inherent gift, it would probably be like those ordinary days filled with its exhausting routines and mundane tasks inevitably dominated by tedious labour and toil, not withstanding, of course, the seemingly insurmountable burdens of life. And what a waste of time, strength, and energy this will create, if such would be a perpetual cycle of experience in anyone's life.

By this time, some maybe asking, "But Ed, do you know what I am going through right now? You seem to be saying that I must be happy in spite of my condition. Are you pretty sure aware of my current situation?

Honestly, I don't want you to be unrealistic about life's events, because life really does not promise a constant 'bed of roses' experiences. The scripture itself even say, "Many are the afflictions of the righteous..." - (Ps. 34:19). Look, even the righteous doesn't guarantee to get protection or spared from trials. That's the fact about life.

How then, are we going to get the most out of this day in spite of its accompanying ebb and flow of laughter & tears, joy & sadness, and the smooth & tough sailing in life?

If you try to ask people of this specific question: "When are you going to be really really happy?" The following answers would be among the list;
  • When I get out of this mess.
  • When I get my dream job, my dream house, my dream car, or my dream wife.
  • When my salary increases.
  • When my business does not fail but booms.
  • When this shenanigan co-worker gets fired.
  • When this overbearing supervisor gets transferred.
  • When my son or daughter graduates from College.
  • When all my debts are paid.
  • et cetera...
Though the above answers are understandably valid reasons as to when to be happy, waiting for such condition to happen would destroy the value, significance, and essence of the preceding days prior to the occurrence of your desired dream or destination. And those days are loaded with gifts capable of increasing you personally, emotionally, physically, mentally, and so forth. Why not enjoy the path and the journey too, as well as the destination?

One renowned personality wisely observed, "There is no better time to be happy than right now. Tomorrow might be late, for tomorrow is never guaranteed."

Yes, tomorrow's security is never guaranteed... enjoy while you can 'NOW,' ... and you can choose to be happy! Absolutely, yes you can.

In the spiritual realm, the forces that are for you are greater than the forces that are against you.

In the Book of Philippians, it says, "Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice." - (Phil. 4:4).

And in Thessalonians, it reminds us, "Be joyful always..." - (1 Thes. 5:16).

If we could just know how to unearth the hidden treasure behind each day, we are not going to wait till tomorrow before happiness is embraced. Again, we can choose to be happy, now.

Emerson said, "Write it on your heart that everyday is the best day of the year."

The most important thing in our lives is what we are doing now: "This is the day that the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it."

I will never forget the amiable looks and the display of a happy countenance emitted from the face of the Officer, right after the short conversation that we had.

If time allows for us to meet again in the future, I will show him the hardbound book he gave to me with his autograph in it, and say, "Sir, thank you for this book. This token shall continually reminds me that anyone can really be happy even in the most desolate place."

"Come to me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke (Government) upon you... for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." - The King (Matt. 11:28-30).

Monday, September 11, 2017


Did you know that whatever burden it is that you’re carrying right now did not just simply come to your attention or reach your shoulder without your strength being screened and tested first? Look at 1 Cor. 10:13 of the Scripture if you don’t believe it.

The solemn truth is that, the burden which seems to disturb your peace right now, is not really a PROBLEM to bear, but a CHALLENGE - to test the real you.

It is not aimed at weakening you nor to destroy your peace, but to test the inherent strength that you already have as a  WINNER and a CHAMPION. You will never loss nor be defeated because you have the DNA of your Creator, and you were destined as more than a conqueror through His invincible Spirit.

You might even look at your situation right now and sees it as a terrible CRISIS. But look! You are looking at your condition in a shallow perspective using only your limited point of view. Why not try to view your circumstance in the light of your Creator’s perspective? In this way, you’ll be able to see that what you’re experiencing today is not really a debilitating crisis, but a revitalizing OPPORTUNITY.

Opportunities are no reasons to whine, complain, and wail. These are the times to celebrate and the season to rejoice.

Did you know that “Adversity is the breeding ground for miracles?”

One of God's expertise is to make a way where there seems to be no way.

Likewise, when you go through some tough times down in the pit, God is preparing your character for your promotion.

Whatever difficulty you're encountering is God's way of refining your character. That's why we're suppose to count it all joy when we encounter various trials. God is in full control of every given circumstance, so we got nothing to worry about.

The crisis that you think you have is only for a season and is temporary. It is actually an opportunity in disguise in order for you to “see” how your Creator is going to manifest His power in your life.

In the Book of Deuteronomy, it says, “The LORD your God who is going before you will fight for you… BEFORE YOUR VERY EYES.” – Deu. 1:30

Remember that "No problem is too large for God's intervention, and no person is too small for God's attention."

May you see His power work in you.

“For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk, but of power.” – 1 Cor. 4:20