This is what I occasionally tell my children every time we're together at dinner time:
"Do not work for money... you don't have to work to get money. Instead, work to where your gifts, passion, and purpose lead you."
Work is not a matter of doing. Work is a matter of becoming.
Do not work in order to acquire; work in order to become.
Do not work in order to accumulate; work in order to expand.
... because expansion, and not accumulation is the real purpose of work.
When you work for a job, your equity limits you to a mere paycheck. But when you work for your purpose, your equity leads you to an unlimited fortune.
Did you know that "the greatest failure in life is being successful in the wrong assignment?"
I heard someone said, "The poorest person on earth is not without money but without purpose. Without purpose, the only thing you can do is grow older."
Money is not the end, in itself. It is not the purpose of our work. It's just a means to an end.
Running after money is a shabby pursuit... You will end up either catching greed or subjugating others.
Meanwhile, do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do.
Likewise, do not work for money... let money work for you.
"Do not work for food that spoils..." - Yeshua (John 6:27)