Sunday, October 29, 2017


Believing the best in people is an idea that cannot be easily accepted by most people, especially nowadays where crimes are escalating in quantity. The sum of people getting suspicious with one another is inevitably increasing in number.

And as we take into account what the scripture says concerning our time, which states, "Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold" (Matt. 24:12), we can all the more conclude that, indeed, the world is far from getting better.

What, then, shall be our response? Are we going to sulk in desperation and conform ourselves with the system? Wouldn't it be possible for us to still believe the best in people?

As Kingdom citizens, we are upholding a different standard. We are called to stand out, and not to blend in. We actually need to set a new standard, and raise the bar. In fact, believe it or not, we are world changers - in all modesty.

The Book of Romans wisely admonishes us by saying, "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind..." - Rom. 12:2

The greatest Jewish Rabbi who had ever lived even preceded this by declaring, "Change the way you think (repent), for the Kingdom of Heaven has arrived!" - Matt. 4:17

One day, while my daughter, Joanne, was on her way towards her internship training sessions, she was sneezed over - right before her very face - by a man in an elevator, who didn't even bother to ask for an apology. "I will surely gonna hit his nose, and kick his ass to the ground should I be there," I angrily told my daughter as she related the incident. "He did not even express a feeling of regret?... Grrr!"

A little bit later, as I ponder the incident, a seemingly gentle nudge came unto me. "What if the guy was experiencing an uptight and distressing situation in his office, or was getting too stressed-out from his overbearing boss?" a tender voice seem to remind me. "What if he was undergoing an adverse condition over his family?"

I learned before from a mentor that people tend more likely to becoming insensitive toward others, most especially when confronted with a very difficult situations in life, such as family difficulties, ordeals, and other work related problems. The weight of the burden on their shoulders seem to numb their emotional reflexes that they're getting unaware and insensitive of the irritation they create with others, which they may have done undeliberately.

On our part, however, if we are not sensitive enough, we might unnecessarily get into trouble with these people - who are actually in their vulnerable position and in their lowest point - should we come across into their path. This should not be the case, because in the end, we might be deepening the wounds and heartaches these people are experiencing.

Just a few days ago, Mac-mac's (my nephew) classmate committed suicide over a family problem. When I heard the news, I was flabbergasted. "Ahh... what is this?"

When people are in their lowest point and getting insensitive, that should become an opportunity for us to take the opposite course and be sensitive enough to extend understanding and lend an open hand to help in whatever capacity we have. This is even the most appropriate time for these people to receive encouragement from us.

Instead of condemning and becoming critical towards them, why not choose the high road by expressing your belief in them that they, too, will soon overcome their part of the challenge, just as you had overcome yours.

Befriending these people, and showing them the light that you have, shall ultimately open the way for their deliverance and freedom.

Have you come across with the same unsuspected ones, lately? S/he might just be wandering around your neighborhood, or surprisingly, hidden right before your very homes.

Be sensitive enough...

Meanwhile, I'll let Joanne know that there's a far better option than kicking somebody's ass.

"Let your light shine before men that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father in Heaven." - Matt. 5: 16

Sunday, October 22, 2017


Have you been in the presence of someone you esteemed highly? Perhaps, a person of influence, a spiritual leader, or a mentor? When you are in front of a great leader, you don't talk much. Instead, you listen. You ask questions... you learn.

Asking is a very important element of learning. One inscription says, "He who is afraid of asking is ashamed of learning." A portion of scripture even declares, "You receive not because you ask not." - Jas. 4:2

No wonder, children are inquisitive. They are fond of asking questions and they do it unceasingly, as they learn.

Relatedly, the Book of Matthew warns us by saying, "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven." - Matt. 18:3

It was even reinforced in Hosea which says, "Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my representative (priest)." - Hos. 4:6b

Do you want to enter the Kingdom of Heaven and not be rejected? Then, keep on asking wise questions and learn from them...

In like manner, there are five (5) major questions in life that every human being living on planet earth must have to settle in order to receive total peace and freedom, as regards to his reason for existence. These questions are so significant that no matter how persistent you are in ignoring them, a portion or most of these questions will still come to haunt you at some point in your life. Such questions will even disturb a mere pedicab driver roaming in a thoroughfare, or a king seating on a throne.

What do these questions have that when leave unanswered would lead a person to trade his wholesome and abundant life in exchange for a piece of fruit, thereby causing his total expulsion from the Garden of bliss (Eden), all because of disobedience.

Again, what do these questions have that moved a small and petite woman to leave her teaching career and rescue the poorest of the poor by encouraging millions of others to support her missionaries and congregation which manages homes for people dying of HIV, leprosy, tuberculosis, etc? What made this canonized saint, Mother Teresa earned a Nobel Peace Prize and persuaded thousands of others to follow her footsteps?

I even surmise that these may be the motivating questions as to why a mother or a father would sacrifice working far to a distant place, leave his family, and deprive himself of the comfort of having them beside him and enjoy their company - to ensure that their needs will be amply provided.

And finally, these maybe the compelling questions as to why a person would embrace a certain belief and desperately clings to it until such time that others would brand and label him as a fanatic or heretic - but still holds on to it.

No matter how sure you are about the correctness of your philosophy in life, these questions will continue to visit you as these are inherently chiseled in the fiber of your soul. Hence, any attempt to ignore them will ultimately end in futility... Better yet, take heed of them.

What do you think are these five crucial questions that move a person to decide and do what he or she thinks must ought to do, to bring him the fulfillment - and ultimately, the freedom - he so desire?

Allow me first to make mention of the person through whom I learn this stuff, as I also want to give due credit to him. According to Dr. Myles Munroe (1954 - 2014), a teacher and a preacher from Bahamas, every human being living on earth is motivated by these 5 questions.

Let me, then, bring you straight to these five (5) crucial questions:

1. Who am I? – This question deals with identity, and perhaps one of the most important question you’ll ever have to answer. The average human being has never answered the question, who am I? This is not all about what you do or what you did.

What is your identity? Statistics have it that about 99% of the world population have identity crisis. We don’t seem to know who we really are. We imitate people in the hope of finding our seemingly lost self-image and value. Indeed, most people don’t know who they really are, so they die as someone else.    

Do you know who you are? Do you know your identity with God - that you're created in His likeness and image? That you're chosen long before the foundation of the world? That you're a royalty, ambassador, and offspring of the King? That you're a child of the living God?

2. Where am I from? – This is not a question on ethnicity. It is not about whether you came from Africa, China, Kenya, Indonesia, Brazil, or from the Philippines. No, it is where you are from as regards to your creation - your Source and your heritage. Because, if you can find out where you came from, you can also find out your true gifts, talents, strength, and your abilities.

Did you know that your real citizenship is in Heaven, and not from the country in which you're born (Phil. 3:19-20)? Your citizenship is constant, and remains the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow... You came down from heaven.

3. Why am I here? – This is a question of purpose. Why do you exist? What did you come to earth to do. Did you just come to go to a job, pay bills and then die - as many people think? It has to be more than that. You were not born just to make a living. You are here to live out an assignment on this planet. You were born to make a difference in the world.

Your job is what your employer pays you to do, while your work - your assignment - is what God designed you to do. The real purpose of your existence.

God made on purpose for a purpose. He has an assignment for you that no one else can do as well as you. Out of billions of applicants, you are the most qualified for you have the right combination of what it takes.

Most of the time, your assignment is always the problem God has designed you to solve for others.

4. What can I do? – What is my true potential? They say the average human being only uses 10% of their brain power. But no one knows your true potential, except the Manufacturer. So never let anyone judge you based on the measurements, assessment, opinion, or estimation they put on you.

You have things on the inside of you - gifts and talents - that you've not yet dreamed of using. You can go further and accomplish more. Don't settle for the status quo. You can overcome any challenge that's before you. You can break any addiction. You have the power of the Most High God on the inside of you.

The statement made by one of my mentor is correct when he said, "Some of the genes that God pre-programmed in you are about to be activated. You will accomplish things that you never thought possible. You will see new talents, new levels of ability, new levels of wisdom and insight, and new levels of success. Get that down on the inside, friend." He even reinforced his declaration by saying, "These genes of favor, wisdom, strength, and ability will be activated in you."

The truth is: You have the DNA of the Almighty God. He breathe His life into you. You will not drag around feeling discouraged, intimidated, and inferior. You've been equipped with everything you need. You can do all things through Christ.

5. Where am I going?– This is a question of destiny. No one was just born to die. We were born to fulfill a Vision. What you are looking for is right where you are all the time. You don’t have to go to US or UK to be great, because you can be great where you are planted. "The greatest among you shall be your servant," Yeshua said. Your greatness is hidden in the service that you render to the world as you pursue your vision and dreams.

In addition, remember this:

We cannot become what we destined to be by remaining what we are. All accomplishment comes from daring to begin.

We must be daring enough to venture out wisely and not be afraid to fail, because failure is just an event - never a person.

We need to heed the words of Solomon when he said, "The righteous are as bold as a lion." - Prov. 28: 1

Even the renowned Helen Keller is right when she claimed, "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."

And since we admit that we are one with God, there must be an element of genuine faith and the virtue of being strong to radiate from within us. The Prophet Daniel reminded his people by declaring: "The people that know their God shall be strong and do exploits." - Dan. 11: 32b

Moreover, if you are going to fulfill your destiny, you must do what God hardwired you to do. Make sure you operate in a realm where you are passionate.

A mentor concurs, "There is something for you to start that is ordained and destined for you to finish."

Ultimately, the good news is, you will fulfill your God-given destiny. King David was assured of this when he said to himself, "The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me..." - Psalm 138:8

By the way, what about talking to yourself? Simply to encourage yourself when no one else does and cares. Don't worry, the Government of the Kingdom is behind you to back up you. Ambassadors are assured of that.

And finally: What lies ahead of us, and what lies behind us, are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.

"Behold, the Kingdom of God is within you!" - Luke 17:21

Sunday, October 15, 2017


Can I make your mind busy for a moment?

Which do you think is correct among the 2 statement below that defines the reason why man was created?

Man is created to work in order to live, or

Man is created to live in order to work.

If you find yourself a little bit confused, never mind. Let's just move on. I don't want to consume much of your time discussing on issues which have been the source of controversy and debate since the inception of schools, universities, and learning institutions way back during the time of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle.

My only point here is to put an emphasis on two (2) points and areas of understanding.

One is - Why the Creator created man? And secondly... is for you to be given a glimpse of understanding, specifically about your reason for creation.

To move further, allow me to bring you in the first Book of 'Torah' where in Genesis it says, "And let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion... over all the earth..." - Gen. 1:26

Now, here we can see - without being argumentative - why God created man... to have "Dominion."

The word 'dominion' is the same as the word "radah," in Hebrew which means "Kingdom."

The word also is the same as the word "mamlakah" in Aramaic which is also translated as "Kingdom."

Likewise, dominion is also the same as the word "Basileia" in Greek which also means "Kingdom."

(I will discuss more of the "Kingdom" at a later date - forgive me)

Dominion also means, to govern, to have authority over, to rule, to control, to master, to manage, and to lead.

Having said all of these, how can we now correlate the word "Work" in relation to God's main reason for the creation of man - which is, to dominate? Okay, let's move further.

Remember that before the creation of man, God also work by creating the firmament, the whole universe, and finally, the earth and man itself. He went to work - and in fact, working until now - not merely to be delighted of His creation but to manifest His nature and expressed His glory.

And since God created man in His own image and likeness, He was also giving the first man, Adam, the 'opportunity' to express and manifest himself through work.

In the Book of Genesis 2:15, it says, "The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it."

The word "work" from the above passage of scripture is derived from the the Greek word "ergon" which means - to become, to manifest yourself, to become yourself. It does not necessarily mean, to do something.

God did not put man in the Garden of Eden to simply make him busy and not get bored. He placed man in the Garden to exercise his mandated 'dominion,' and thereby, giving him the opportunity to express it through 'work.'

The only way for the man to exercise his assigned "dominion" is for God to bring him into a place of "work" - the Garden.

Am I making sense and clear here?

Now, here's my second question: Did you find your place of work - your domain - yet?

If not, it's time to ask the Manufacturer.

One of my mentor said (paraphrasing), "The only way to find the purpose of a product is to look upon it in the supplemental product manual. The warranty on the booklet/ manual describes everything about the operation and purpose of the product. You can also utilize the full potential of the product by reading the manual. Using the new product by simply guessing is detrimental to the product... The mind of the manufacturer concerning the product is completely and elaborately indicated in the product manual."

Did you ask the Manufacturer concerning your purpose and place of work, yet?

Glorify God, if you did.

Glorify God in your work by focusing on its completion. He will not be glorified exhausting your finite time performing other's work.

The greatest Jewish Rabbi who ever lived exhorts us on this when he uttered these words to His Father: "I have brought you glory on earth by completing the work You gave me to do." - John 17:4

Do not spend your limited time on earth performing other's work. You will never be happy doing such scheme.

Yes, you can generously contribute, participate, and cooperate, but never incarcerate yourself.

I heard someone said, and it is wise to heed: "The greatest failure in life is being successful in the wrong assignment."

Don't be trapped into thinking that because you've lots of money, or because you're powerful and famous, you already are a candidate to be tapped as a real success. Featuring your name in any profit-generating articles and magazines can trick you and others into believing that you are, but realistically speaking, you are still poor and a failure if you are not clear on your "purpose" and real assignment.

"The poorest person on earth is not without money but without purpose. Without purpose, the only thing you can do is grow older," is one statement I heard from a mentor that bears a lot of truth.

And just because you are broke today doesn't necessarily mean you are poor, because your being broke is only temporary, but your being rich is permanent and eternal - and this especially true when you know your assignment and purpose.

If you are a person who is clear on your assignment, remember that you are impregnated with a Vision, as well. Hence, do not abort the baby... Let it be born.

Just make it sure - and this is very important - that the Vision emanates from the very heart of God, and not merely a product of your own volition.

Moreover, never put in vain the worth of your precious life by doing the seemingly important and good things. Put in mind that not all good things are right. Just because a thing is good does not necessarily mean that it is always right. Sometimes, the enemy tempts us not to do the bad things, but to do good things. This is especially so, in order to preoccupy our time and divert our attention from doing the right things. Don't be distracted by his subtle schemes.

It was Yeshua, Himself, who warned us when He said, "Anyone who lets himself be distracted from the work I plan for him, is not fit for the Kingdom of God." - Luke 9:62, TLB

In addition, the Book of Acts is prudent in reminding us when Paul said, "My life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus..." - Acts 20:24

This is how I clearly heard the voice of the Holy Spirit, the Governor, spoke to my heart one early morning: "Ed, work and take care of My business in Advancing the Kingdom, and I will take care of everything concerning you."

Let us pause for this simple prayer: "God of Heaven and earth, I acknowledge that You're our Father and Great Manufacturer. Reveal to me Your purpose for my life and place of work, in order for me to manifest myself and complete my assignment for the glory of Your Name. This I pray in the name of Yeshua, Our Mighty King... Amen."

Friday, October 13, 2017


Are you afraid of Friday the 13th?

In case you are, psychologists say that you have an anxiety disorder defined by a persistent fear, scientifically known as "friggatriskaidekaphobia." What a long and tongue-twisting-word, isn't it?

Again, in case you are, don't worry. You are not alone, me included... but that was then.. lol.

People with Friggatriskaidekaphobia suffer feelings of panic, anxiety, fear and dread every time Friday the 13th rolls around. On the actual day, many people with Friggatriskaidekaphobia won’t do anything, not even leave their house. This results in an estimated P40 to P45 billion that is lost in business each Friday the 13th due to cancelled appointments and absenteeism.

Likewise, according to a Phobia Institute in North Carolina, an estimated 17 to 21 million people in the United States are affected by a fear of this day, making it the most feared day and date in history.

Considering that such number affected mentions only of America, imagine how far greater the number would be when we talk about those affected worldwide.

But the big question now is, "Why do people fear Friday the 13th and where did it all began?"

Despite logical attempts to dismiss it, a fear of Friday the 13th pervades society. No one knows what's up with people's odd fear of this day and date, so ingrained in our culture that movies were created in its honor. Some folklorists think the dread goes way back centuries ago, and may well trace its roots all the way during biblical times, when the 13th guest at the Last Supper betrayed Jesus and caused his Crucifixion, which was held on a Friday.

Research has shown that people's superstitious beliefs play vital role, and this goes well for a variety of reasons, both cultural and psychological. Most of the time, people are superstitious about things they want to go well but can't guarantee. When it's a combination of something you care about and want badly but can't guarantee, superstitions tend to fill in.

Another reason for superstition is purely sociological. Simply put, people are influenced by the beliefs of others, such as family members or friends, a sociologist said. "Knowing that other people believe it makes it way more likely" that you will believe it, too, the expert added.

Generally, majority of people dismiss Friday the 13th mystical significance, but no matter how rational your outlook maybe, anyone can be a little wary. Today it's dismissed as an old superstition but — if given a choice — how many of us would eschew getting married or flying on a Friday the 13th? Indeed, a superstition.

But in spite of all these, did you know that in other countries — such as Italy, Egypt and China — 13 is a lucky number?

Now, there you are... Bingo!! Can you perceive it? We can now get into the roots of the matter to find the exact solution to this malady.

Aside from seeking help from a professional psychologist or psychiatrist who may prescribe medication, therapy, and relaxation techniques that can reduce anxiety, fear, and phobia... any person who happens to be a victim of this disorder must deeply consider what the greatest Jewish Rabbi who ever lived has declared more than 2 thousand years ago:

"Repent, for the Kingdom of heaven has arrived!" - Yeshua (Matt. 4:17)

This may sound too religious, but there's a treasure of hope, healing, and freedom behind this simple statement that one could ever grasp into.

Unlike what we've been usually taught in our religious environment, the word "Repent" does not necessarily mean "to go infront of a church meeting and weep over your past."

Repent - in its original Hebrew translation - actually means:
  • to change your thinking.
  • to change the way you think.
  • to change the way you've been conditioned to think.
  • to change the way you've been taught to think.
  • to change the way you've been trained to think.
  • to change your mindset.
  • to change your mentality.
Notice here that all boils down into one thing. Everything speaks and deals within our thinking, and that's what matter most.

The wisest man ever lived said, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." - Solomon (Prov. 23:7)

Remember what the expert sociologist observed in the above paragraph, when he said, "People are influenced by the BELIEFS of others, such as family members or friends. Knowing that other people BELIEVE it makes it way more likely that you will BELIEVE it, too."

You will observe that I highlighted the word Beliefs or Believe, because the word is tantamount to "Faith" which, according to the scripture, comes by hearing, and hearing, and hearing, and hearing - original Hebrew translation - the Word of God. - Rom. 10:17

When a person hears a word repeatedly - especially the negative ones - that repeated idea or words will sink in to his/her subconscious mind which then, form part of his belief system. And that belief system shall generate a person's realities. Hence, superstitious belief is being established in his heart.

There is a tendency for us to easily believe an idea, word, or statement that comes from a person whom we esteemed highly. Those people who have influence over us in terms of financial and educational status tend to easily sway us into believing their thoughts. We seem to find security and established truth from people instead of the universal principles laid down by the scripture. And that's where the problem emerges.

The Book of Psalms is so astute in saying, "It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to put confidence in men. It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to put confidence in princes." - Psalm 118:8-9

Such truth was even reinforced in Romans where Paul says, "Let God be true and every man a liar." - Rom. 3:4

Now, let me go straight from here and ask you a question. Did the 9/11 tragic incident in America - which made the Twin Tower totally collapsed in rubble and killed thousands of innocent lives - occur on the Friday the 13th?

Did the 'Yolanda tragedy' brought about by typhoon Haiyan - which killed thousands of people in Tacloban, Philippines - occur on the Friday the 13th?

What I am trying to point out is this. The Ups and Downs of life do arise and occur in anyone's life without selecting a particular especial day and date. The Ups and Downs do occur whether it's Friday the 13th or not. Good times and bad times can happen on Monday, Tuesday, et cetera.

The bottom line here is our mindset. If we consider a day as bad luck, it will. And if we consider it to bring good luck, just the same, it will.

That's why it's prudent to heed the Book of Proverbs saying, "Guard your heart (subconscious mind) above all else, for it determines the course of your life." - Prov. 4:23

Yeshua is, indeed, right when He said, "Change your mindset...!"

... because if you really have a changed mentality, all things that may happen to you - good or bad - will all work together for your own good at the end of the day. - Rom. 8:28

And further because, in God's Kingdom, every setback is simply a set-up for a greater comeback.

Therefore, no amount of "Friggatriskaidekaphobia" could ever, ever ruin our day. We are created to rise above and have authority over such circumstance.

It has no power to demolish us. In fact, we have that power against it.

The Book of Corinthians admonishes us well when it said, "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." - 2 Cor. 10: 3-5

Finally, remember that "The forces that are for you are greater than the forces that are against you."

Have a Happy Friday the 13th to All...

"This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it." - Psalm 118:24

Sunday, October 8, 2017


If your faith is in a job to provide for your needs, God will surely honor that faith.

If your faith is in a business to provide for your needs, He will honor that faith, as well…

But if your faith is in the Government, you who were appointed as Ambassadors will have nothing to worry about all these needs, because these are automatically supplied and goes along with your diplomatic work.

In the government of this world, the work of any appointed ambassador is somewhat distinct and unique compared to any other government officials of the land. Once you are appointed as ambassador, the Government of the Country which you represent, will take charge of all your expenses including the expenses and cares of your family. Such concerns like tuition fees, food, shelter, health benefits, bills payment, transportation, security, protection, et cetera, will no longer be a matter of concern among designated ambassadors. The government will take charge of all those needs.

Government protocol requires that you will be amply supplied so you do not have to worry nor concern yourself about anything that does not go in line with your diplomatic assignment. The government does not want these concerns to interfere with your diplomatic work, because they expect you to represent the country as accurate and as precise that it should and must be. That's why they provide you with everything you need, so nothing will distract your attention, which may eventually spoil your representation.

In the same way, Yeshua the King... Hallelujah!... appointed you as an ambassador to represent Him and your country, the Kingdom. He keeps on reminding us by saying, in effect, "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear... And so do not worry saying, 'What shall we eat, or what shall we drink, or what shall we wear? For the pagans run after all these things, and your Heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek you first (diplomatic priority) the Kingdom of God and His righteousness (your representation), and all these things that you need shall be added unto you..." (shall be amply supplied by the Government) - Matt. 6: 25-34

As Ambassadors, you have the entire government of the Kingdom standing behind you to back up you, to secure you, to help you, and to provide for all your needs.

Furthermore, one salient element that distinguishes the Government of the Kingdom is that, every citizen who is born again into the Country and whose immigration status has been cleared, sealed, and validated, is automatically conferred with diplomatic status as Ambassador.

In this world's government, however, only few among the citizens can be appointed for the job. Just for example, if the Philippines has a diplomatic foreign relations with only 200 countries, only same number among its citizens can have the privilege to be appointed.

Unlike in the worlds government, every believer in the Kingdom is automatically an Ambassador who freely enjoys corresponding privileges.

So then, is anyone willing to apply for a job to represent the King? No age limit is required. The older you are, the better... hit the button for my contact number.

Compensation? ... unlimited.

Qualification? ... faith.

God will provide, for He is our Unlimited Supply/ier.

In the meantime, do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do… Remember that your faith is evident by your action, and that action is exhibited by what you are doing on a daily basis.

“For unto us, a child is born. To us, a son is given. And the government will be on his shoulders… And of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end…” – Isaiah 9: 6-7

Wednesday, October 4, 2017


There was a song written more than 3 decades ago that was widely popularized by the album "Jewel of the Nile." This song was written by the combined composition of the following song writers, namely: Billy Ocean, Robert Lange, Barry Eastmond, and Wayne Brathwaite. The song was entitled, "When the going gets tough, the tough gets going," and it earned a prestigious platinum certification in the U.K. Afterwards, the impact of the song reverberated throughout the entire U.S. and then, around the globe.

I could just imagine the positive impact the song has brought among individuals worldwide, and of course, me included.

Music has the power to convey messages capable of shaping the behavior of anyone who hears it and further alters his outlook in life. That's why it is essential that we consider the content and words used in a song especially those whose rhythm and melody captivates us.

No wonder, the Barna Research Group has recently identified "music" as one of the top 5 major influencers of the world, next to movies, television, books, and the internet.

Upon hearing regularly, positive music has a unique way of making the physical body produce a relative amount or a daily DOSE of "Happy Hormones." DOSE is the acronym for Dophamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin, and Endorphin. These are natural hormones excreted by our bodies the moment we hear positively inspired music. Moreover, these "Happy Hormones" have the capacity to revitalize and make a boost on our physiological bodies, mind, soul, and spirit. They can enable us to run extra miles in life despite its ebb and flow. They allow us to increase our resolve not to surrender, bog down, or give up on life's challenges. It strengthens our resolve not to quit but persevere inspite of tough situations. Have you heard one positive song this morning, yet?

By the way, lest we might be led getting too far from our topic this morning, what I am going to share with you today is not really all about music or a song per se. I just made especial mention of it here in order for us to realize that, indeed, life carries with it tough situations that, in one way or another, may exhaust or drain our strength. And it is in here that music may be one among those avenues that the Spirit of God may tap to bring unto us the needed relief, comfort, strength, and the will to fight unreservedly.

Anyway, is there anyone among us who is immune or, shall we say, who will be spared from experiencing tough situation in life? I guess none. 

I remember in scripture when the prophet Isaiah was told by the Creator one day: "When you pass through the waters, I will be with you. And when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned, the flames will not set you ablaze. For I AM the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour." - Isa. 43: 2-3.

Notice here that the Lord did not, in anyway, begin His statement with the word "If." Instead, He began with the word "When."

When I first read and understood this, I almost bargain with the Lord to change the word "when" with the word "if," but there was no way. Sometimes, I tried to convince myself that, maybe the writer of Isaiah, or maybe the translator of the verse couldn't exactly find the equivalent word fitted for translation from its original text, that he was forced to use "when" instead of "if."

But, oh no... I guess, my strategy won't work. I really must have to face the reality that nobody, not even me, will be exempted nor be spared from encountering trials, hardships, difficulties, and even persecutions.

In fact just recently, barely 4 months ago, I was taken aback by the report I received from my bookkeeper that the business I managed, does not show any sign of getting better. The competition was so steep and the escalating number of competitors made it hard for my bookkeeper, who happens to be my wife, to generate sufficient funds to cover for the succeeding months thereafter. The cashflow was in dire trouble, and consequently... sad to say, the business itself, is in trouble.

The situation was further getting worst that we even had not enough to pay for our employees, and to make the story short, we need to face the unexpected but inevitable truth... to close the business.

The decision to stop the operation of the business is, indeed, not an easy option but hard as I need to look into the well-being not only of my own family, but also of those who were caught up in the crossfire, so to speak... our employees.

In addition to this, the daily and constant barrage of phone calls from creditors were a dreadful experience and it really made my days quite sour. Honestly, my wife and I did not experience this kind of thing before. We need to sell most of our equipment in order to address legitimate needs and pay our creditors. Without any doubt, we really are into a very tough situation. We are, indeed, in a condition in which, if we we give in too soon, lay down our arms, and stop getting alert, we will surely sulk into utter desperation and total distress. And this, inevitably, would further result into a more complicated scenario wherein pinpointing and blaming would possibly be our daily norms.

Thank God there are songs and music in the air! Good music, especially those which are complemented with God's Word and inspired by His Spirit, has the capacity to restore, revive, boost, and resurrect the 'Winner' in you.

I remember Joshua and Caleb in the scripture. They did the most awkward thing that warriors and soldiers would ever do in conquering enemy territories. Instead of positioning huge, valiant, and tested soldiers in front of the Army, what they did is, they commissioned a group of musicians, choirs, and singers and placed them in front of the entire Army to lead the pack unarmed. 

"What? I thought we are into war! What are we doing?" This maybe the initial response of most of the soldiers then. It's good Joshua and Caleb are there to teach and explain to them the most unconventional strategy that has ever been done in any military history.

Upon the issuance of a marching order, Joshua had to lead the Israelite Army toward their mission of conquering and entering the Promised Land, utilizing these Spirit-inspired musicians, choirs, and singers praising and singing to the God of their father Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

No wonder... they won, and successfully conquered and entered the Promised Land. They are, indeed, the real epitome of a true 'Champions' and 'Winners.'

As my family and I continue to buckle up and anchor ourselves on His promises, this is our intimate petition: "LORD, we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon You." - 2 Chron. 20:12

In the meantime... we will keep on Singing.